Adsense revenue sharing sites - Technology Blog

Here is the list of few Adsense revenue sharing sites, these sites allow you to earn money with your Adsense id's. The listed sites are the best revenue sharing sites which makes you to earn decent revenue.

Chaps is the technology blog which updates ads on TV reviews and this site allow ads on television.

Simpy is the site allow to bookmark, using simpy you can search other links, tag and save links.

Blogger party
This website is the hosting service provider  for blog.It shows all blog list in its main homepage

Hubpages is more popular than other revenue sharing sites.You can write your own articles in hubpages and start earning.

Flixya shares 100% revenue with users.This site allow to share photos,videos and blog.

One Response so far.

  1. artisan says:

    The mix between the forum and
    social network, about advertising.

    You may create your personal diary (similar
    to the forum section) there, and you may place
    your Google AdSense advertising code there,
    and get extra profit from revenue sharing.

    The most wise people may also place their
    Google AdSense code into the shared diaries.

    If you would invite your friends,
    then you would get active links
    from their diaries to your diary.

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