Choosing Right Tablet For you

                        The year of 2011, definitely say it is for Tablet,the major brands such as apple, dell, samsung, made early welcomes Indian markets, with their latest models.Tablets, makes hit of the CEO 2011, Las Vegas. We initiate this discussion by marking the important aspects of every tablet.



               Weight, very critical factor to consider before you buying a tab. the device should be always handy like mobile and smart-phones.The all products varying weight from two hundred grams to eight hundred grams.Dell is lightest one ever now.Expectation sets tab should be less weigh, but not more to give pressure to muscles.

Operating system

                    The Operating system is the main consider while you buying tab for you, Android is the most using operating system now, beyond the Android, Apple iOS and Microsoft Mango Os also available, also other operating system like blackberry has little market.Choosing Android phones is best choice, best utilization apps and easy to connect to near one.instead, iOS best alternative, gives you best touch experience.


                The variety of processor are available, Apple comes with A4 qualcomm snapdragon and cortex A8, samsung and dell also with cortex with 1 Ghz clock speed, less speed might be found in low end tabs, choosing the both cortex and qualcomm produce nice performance, may varying depends upon speed.


            Most of the tabs comes with standard features like internet connectivity 3G and 2G technology.Android and apple has millions of apps in their apps market, number of apps comparing to android, apple has lot of apps cost worth, but android market gives free.  

Dimensions and Screen/resolution     

                       The dimension of the tab says you to how to use the tab,it may small or large, but it is just tab.the ideal dimensions of all tablets 7 inch display and weigh 400 grams.Display ranges from 5 inch to 10 inch.The important thing is that considering screen should resistive like apple, also sratch resistance with samsung. Resolution makes you best experience of using tab, majorly 1024 x 768 with apple, 1024 x 600 and 800 x 480 with Samsung.   


                 Battery is the last thing you wants your tablet as long as with you.Apple comes with best back up battery, up to 9 hours of while web browse and audio and video playback, normal battery back up comes with five to seven hours in most of tablets.

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